Setting Intentions around the Solar Eclipse

solar eclipse

Lately, I’ve been contemplating and researching the effects of the Great American Solar Eclipse on us as individuals and families. (I’m kind of a geek like that.) Astrologically speaking, all eclipses (both lunar and solar) have an effect on everyone. On Monday, August 21st, this solar eclipse will travel right over the United States, starting in Oregon and ending in South Carolina. My mountain home is smack dab in its path. But I’m not there.

My family and are vacationing on the East Coast during this eclipse phase, while our mountain friends experience an influx of people from all around the world. Farmer’s fields have been leased to college study groups who will set up high-tech equipment to view the event. Photographers will document the eclipse from wilderness viewing points atop mountain peaks in the Tetons. And everyone else will be checking it out with special eclipse-viewing glasses. I’m actually feeling guilty that we’re not there for the celebration. So instead, I’ve decided to set some intentions of my own.

Whether or not you’re in the path of totality during the Great American Solar Eclipse, know that this time in our lives is significant. Let me break it down … In physics, any high amplitude event carries kinetic energy that can alter the base frequency of objects, especially living things. Many people, just like animals, are sensitive to these energetic frequencies. The effects of this solar eclipse and the series of lunar eclipses that surround this event will affect us, whether we aware of it or not. Here is what I’m doing to work with this intense energy.

  1. Ground myself in an effort to stay connected.
    Eclipses travel in pairs of solar and lunar. On August 7th, we experienced a lunar eclipse, putting us in a transition period of “energy in flux” that will end a few days after the eclipse. Over these last few months, I have felt a little less than grounded—with the kids out school, our schedule out of whack, and a major renovation going on in our house. During this flux time, and on the day of the eclipse, I am making an effort to connect with nature, to go barefoot in the sand, and to experience the Eclipse’s energy on a New England beach, at the edge of the earth, on the horizon. Even though we are not home, my family will still get to experience the twilight effect of a partial eclipse and all the energies that go with it.
  2. Tap into the feminine (yin) energy.
    During this eclipse period, the moon is very close to the earth, making its energy more apparent. Some astrologist regards this event as a “new moon on steroids.” Subsequently, the sun’s energy will be greatly diminished during this phase. In traditional cultures, women would gather to support each other (and actually menstruate together) during the the new moon. In Ayurveda, this is the time to go inward and align to the yin, feminine energy in an effort to sync with the cycles of the moon and protect our health and well-being. I’m using this time to rediscover my meditation practice (even if it’s just a five-minute stint each morning). I will use this inward reflection to plan for when the moon is full again and I can go out into the world with a newfound energy to finish my projects. Maybe you’ll use this time to sit quietly and enjoy something you love, like gardening, knitting, painting or drawing?
  3. Plant the seeds for big plans.
    When I return home the end of August, our renovation will almost be complete. My children will each have separate rooms as they start their new school year and I will have a dedicated office space with large south-facing windows and a door that closes. In this new space, I will use my time to deliberately work on my goals for the upcoming year. And since the effects of this eclipse will last up to six months after the event, I will plan ways to heighten my connection to my work and support my husband’s efforts in his. The effects won’t come immediately, for this eclipse phase will last many months, creating a slow evolution if I am patient.
  4. Talk to my children about the significance of this event.
    I am planning on using the solar eclipse as both a scientific and spiritual lesson for my kids, too. Whether or not you believe in astrology, it has been scientifically proven that this moon-sun event will affect every being on earth. Kids should know why some animals will get anxious during this event, while others might prepare for bed, and some won’t even care or notice. Children also need to be taught that when humans pause to appreciate nature, they too can experience a shift that will help them form a deeper connection to their outside world—one that teaches lessons of a lifetime.
  5. Take part in a group that collectively lobbies for change.
    As mentioned earlier, the solar eclipse will be surrounded by a series of lunar eclipses. Astrologists say that the August 7th lunar eclipse landed in Aquarius, giving “power to the people” and signaling “a unifying wake-up call.” This series of lunar eclipses that will extend through 2019 will be remarkably powerful for unifying feminine groups. Where do I see myself fitting in? I have angled my career path over the past several months in an effort to enlighten women on all facets of their health and wellness. Through my website and my collective work at Limelight by Alcone (a natural skin care company), I aim to empower a collective group of women to be the change they desire. This change will enhance both their personal lives and also the greater whole. My Limelight sisters have taught me how to help ladies use their dollars, their social media sharing power, and their networking to initiate a change in women’s health. Being a part of a crusade that benefits the overextended woman on all levels also urges me to make subtle changes within my own life. I’m taking this journey with my tribe.

Maybe you are like me and the path of the Great American Eclipse will soon hit your doorstep. Or maybe you haven’t even given the event much thought. Either way, my hopes are that you’ll—at the very least—take off your shoes, place your toes in the grass or on the sand, and pause for just one second of our crazy busy lives. It’s an event that won’t come around again for many years and one that signifies the start of a new phase in our collective lives, whether you believe the scientific hype or not.